onsdag 3 september 2008


Final Fantasy Chronicles for Darkdawn but first how come i even started the game?

Friends was on me get game start since they got it at the US version relese, but i worked so replied have not time for that and im prolly just gonna get very hooked on it .

Time went they played and i lost my current work so was then then asked again ok let make a try so made a char on there account and tried for some hours and thought was fun. Friends that played then are Spikerot and Ewandir/Tuffsis.
The reminded me our other friend stopped play but still had game and account so phoned him and lol 30 min later i had my own game lol.

Home install game and day after ill make my own chars, and save my friends lv 30 char Gariendil that i never play but he makes a nice mule lol.

Starting by make a Elvaan "WYN" as main and plays it and soon after start Darkdawn as a mule which not will be the destiny for my Mithra char little would i know that at that point tho and there starts the story of my Mithra cat.

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